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    Texts | Dugin | War of continents | Part II | suite | 1990 Напечатать текущую страницу
    Miscalculations of marshal Yazov 
              The major mistake of the eurasists in August 1991, and especially the personal mistake of marshal Yazov, was to trust the head of KGB Kryuchkov. It was a strategic trap. KGB already for many years had tried to create for its agents an image of “patriots-nationalists”, using the peripheral mass of the “uninitiated” employees sincerely believing in the “jewish-masonic” conspiracy and considering themselves as “nationalists” or “national-bolsheviks”.

    On the other hand, the fraudulent manoeuvres were made also at the  top of power - both Chebrikov and Kryuchkov aimed at solidarizing with the eurasist-military against “cosmopolitans-democrats”. (As a matter of fact, the whole democratic movement was of course organized just by the KGB, and further, it was even more artificial and “built-on” than the patriotic movement, since for the Russian and other originally eurasian ethnoses it is much more natural to support the “right”, than the “left” - this is an historical constant). To conceal this double game, the atlantists from KGB created myths about the “jewish-masonic wing”of KGB (as such were called, in particular, its Moscow branch as a counterweight to the Union’s, and later the KGB of Yeltsin’s RSFSR [Russian Socialist Federal Soviet Republic], etc.). As a matter of fact, KGB was busy with sharply anti-eurasian activities, destroying the structures of the eurasian network in the countries of Eastern Europe, overthrowing “soil” and anti-atlantist regimes (such as the Ceausescu regime, which, by the way, was always oriented towards an eurasian continental block and hated the atlantist “sell-out” of the USSR government - see Claude Carnou “Again on  the  East” in the review Crisis, n. 5 April 1990, France). Anyway, the GKChP affair plainly proves that some rather unclear moves of Kryuchkov succeeded in convincing some eurasists - marshal Yazov and Oleg Balkanov - to hurry with the forming of a war situation, and to accept the help from KGB, on condition that it took distance from its atlantism and stood, in the end, on the side of the Army and ready to act against the “democrats”. Probably, Kryuchkov had stipulated some conditions also for his organization, as in case of a rigorous military eurasist regime the KGB structures of course would be erased - at least, in their old, party-terrorist, mondialist and atlantist kind. What arguments the agents of Order of Eurasia reported to marshal Yazov, we do not know yet. It is obvious only that the signing of the Novo-Ogarev Agreements had not the slightest relation to this. Everything could be changed once again, annulling any “paper” which had come out from under the pen of casual people, not so clearly realizing the geopolitical situation, led by the extremely evasive “Gorby”- delivered to this position not for taking decisions, but for “masking”, and by virtue of a mark of definitely occult “election”. What must have said Kryuchkov to marshal Yazov, for the latter – essentially devoted to the strategy of the Eurasian Order - to jeopardize the destiny of a multi-millennial occult opposition, the destiny of the continent, destiny of the Eurasian Space, a destiny inevitable and, as it seemed, so close to victory? Why Yazov has chosen the chief of the most anti-eurasist body? For the moment, we have to limit ourselves to assumptions about it. And is perfectly clear that the mistake of marshal Yazov hides some terrible secret, maybe even involving any paranormal, “magic” or telepathical influence, or the effects of some special psychedelic drugs. All this is not so unbelievable, if we remember the testimonies of some GKChP members about their complete amnesya during those three fatal days. Only complete idiots could consider that people, having arrived up to the highest levels of their political, military, intelligence and “conspirological” career, can in such a decisive situation behave like irresponsible drunken tramps, that is stoplessly getting drunk and going to get over it in the city, crowded with tanks and “democratic” propagandists. But also the version about the poisoning of Kryuchkov by the remaining eight members appears scarcely believable to us, as the GRU people guarded their chiefs more vigilantly than Gorbachev itself. In the affair about the “mistakes of marshal Yazov”, probably, there took place a combination of many occult-ideological and parapsychological factors, synchronically operating. But what “weapon” this time has been used by the Atlantic Order? We shall talk about it very soon. 
    “Mr. Perestroyka” goes on attack 
              Immediately after the arrest of the members of GKChP, as always happens at the climax of conspirological and ideological efforts, the definite aspects of a conspiracy usually remaining in the shadow were overtly shown. The most open moment was the emerging on the surface of “Mr. Perestroyka” (N.Yakovlev) in the russian parliament. Naturally, his mission consisted not in notifying the “naive” deputies about the “thugs, who again could surround Gorbachev”. This  speech was pronounced by “Mr. Perestroyka” as a smoke-screen. Yakovlev had come to the russian parliament with a request of arresting Lukyanov. The russian parliament, made of completely incompetent and casual people, not having any explicit geopolitical attitude and acting on casual, random and anarchist emotions in its coward lobbying, after the shock of the Moscow farce, could spoil the whole deal. Yeltsin, whether he had not received in time the information, or simply had forgotten about the most important thing (the mental condition of the Russian president also causes to believe that he too was under some parapsychological influence, as remarked not only by european conspirologists, but also by many western journalists - in the beginning explaining Yeltsin’s complete unadequacy by his belonging to the “extreme right”, but later forced to resort to the version about occult or psychotrope influences), concentrated his crushing polemics against the eight, having forgotten about the principal task. 
    Yakovlev came to the “white house” (more reminding in that moment a “yellow house ”) to demand the arrest of Lukyanov. Yeltsin compliantly repeated for “Mr. Perestroyka” the famous phrase - “behind the conspiracy of the eight there was Lukyanov, he is major ideologist of the conspiracy ”. 
    Lukyanov and the ritual dwell on marshal Akhromeev’s tomb
              Lukyanov – here is the secret explanation of the August putsch. Lukyanov it was necessary to remove at any cost. Just in his hands the threads of the eurasist occult structure were concentrated. Since 1987 just Anatoliy Lukyanov was the protector of the “Polar” Order, Eurasian Order, hope of Eternal Imperial Rome. The putsch was just aimed at him. But Lukyanov himself - alone among the eurasists, in on way or another linked with the GKChP affair - had not yielded to Kryuchkov’s instigation and was legally absolutely not implicated in the putsch. Trying to simply involve him too was impossible. This was an unpreviewed and annoying miscalculation for the atlantists. Therefore Yakovlev, bypassing all legal norms, hurried in a  “revolutionary way” to get Lukyanov accused by Yeltsin's stuttering lips of being the ideologist of the conspiracy (on the ground that Lukyanov really was the ideologist, but of the other conspiracy, the “Polar” conspiracy, conspiracy of the saviours of the great Continental Power, conspiracy of Eurasia against the Western Islands). But despite of the imprisonment of Lukyanov, it was nevertheless not possible to present him as the head of the conspiracy and to erase on this basis all the the eurasist agents network, all GRU secret structures. The atlantist winnesr could lift only the higher layer of “party” and military conservatives, which even so did not represent a special danger. Except for Pugo’s assassination, the most important blow to the lobby of Eurasia was the aenygmatic death of marshal Akhromeev and the subsequent strange events on his yet fresh tomb. Here it is necessary to make a short digression in the history of the Atlantic Order, and specially in the history of the medieval Order “ Minstrels of Morgana”, whose emblem was the “Dancing Death”, Dance Macabre. According to Grasset d'Orcet, who was occupied with the study of this Order, its adherents used as a hieroglyphic password the symbol of the “Revived Deadman” or  “Dead leaving its tomb”. In some definite branches of this Order, dealing not so much with occult politics and geopolitics, how much with “magic” and “necromancy”, there was a ritual exhumation of corpses with symbolical and occult purpose. The whole history of death and subsequent exhumation of Akhromeev’s corpse adresses to the implication in his death’s crime of the Atlantic Order and maybe, its most dark, magic ramifications. Anyway, western conspirologists univocally associate the detail of the profanation of the marshal’s body with  to the “ritual exhumation”, till now practiced in the West by the members of rather dark sects. Probably, the atlantist agents also hoped to find any secret documents hidden together with Akhromeev, or any special marks on his corpse. All this becomes more than believable, once we take into account the major role of Akhromeev in the army “Polar” Order and his tight connection to Ogarkov, one of the major characters of the Eurasist Order. Anyway, after the putsch the atlantists have undertaken some resolute steps to beheading the eurasists. But after one month it became clear that their attack was wrecked, and behind their hysterical attempts urgently to complete the ruin of the state, fear and panic were also clearly visible. The order of Eurasia was not definitively erased and now comes its turn to strike back. Some definite signs allow to consider that this blow should be the Last. 
     Metaphysics of the occult war 
              The opposition of Order of Atlantic to Order of Eurasia through the centuries and millennia, being vested in the the most various forms, is in a sense the major conspirological content of history, the history of great planetary passions, history of peoples and religions, races and traditions, spirit and flesh, war and peace. In the confrontation between two Orders one must not see the simplified moralistic image of the fight between Good and Evil, Truth and Lie, Angels and Demons, and so on. This fight of two opposite types of world-view, two metaphysical pictures of Life, two paths to the cosmos and through the cosmos, two great Principles, not only opposing each other, but also indispensable to each other - since on this pair all cosmogonic and cosmological process, all cyclical course of human history is based. 
    The order of Eurasia, Order of the Male Principle, Sun, Hierarchy, is the projection of the Mount, Apollon, Ormudz, Solar Christ-in-Glory, Christ-pantocrator. Eurasia as the Earth of East is the Earth of Light, Earth of Paradise, Earth of Empire. The Earth of Hope. The Earth of the Pole. 
    The order of the Atlantic, Order of the Female Principle, Moon, Orgiastic Equality is the projection of the Egyptian Seth, Python, Ahriman, Christ Suffering, Human, immersed in the metaphysical despair of the lonely Getsemane prayer. The Atlantic, Atlantis as the Earth of the West, is the Earth of the Night, the Earth of the “pit of exile” (as an islamic sufi said), Centre of Planetary Skepticism, Earth of the Great Metaphysical Spleen. 
    Both Orders have the deepest ontological and sacred roots, and have the metaphysical reasons to be what they are. To consider any of these Orders as an historical accident means to deny to the secret logics of human and cosmic cycles. The choice of a geopolitical path mirrors the choice of a metaphysical path, esoterical path, the path of the Spirit across the universe. Therefore any warranties do not exist, therefore it is impossible, strictly speaking, to affirm that Eurasia is good and Atlantic is bad, that Rome is saint and Carthago is wicked, nor the contrary. But everyone called by the Order should commit a resolute step and serve the Order. The laws of our world are such that the outcome of the Great Battle is not predetermined, the outcome of the drama “Eurasia against Atlantis” depends on the totality of planetary solidarity of all those called on to serve, all the soldier of geopolitics, all the secret agents of Land and the secret agents of Sea. The outcome of the cosmological war of Apollon with the Snake Python depends on each of us, whether we understand it or not. 
    The end of Times 
              All traditional religious and metaphysical doctrines describe the End of Times, the end of the cycle as the Last Battle, as the Final battle. The various traditions differently treat this conflict, and sometimes what in one tradition is represented as “the party of Evil”, becomes in other tradition “the party of Good ” and vice-versa. For example, for the orthodox christians at the end of Times judaism is considered as the religion of the Anti-Christ, and for jews “ the goi-christians from the northern country of king Gog ” act as a concentration of escatological Evil. Hinduists consider that the Tenth Avatar, the one who should come at the end of the cycle, will erase “Buddhists”, and Buddhists believe that the Buddha of Forthcoming Times, the Savior Maytreya will appear among a buddhist community etc. All this does not testify about the relativity of the division of roles in the Last Battle, but about the impossibility to early choose a self-evident Good, to secure oneself and obviously to take part in the escatological battle on the “right” side. Therefore it is said about the Last Times “even the chosen ones will be tempted”. The choice of one of two escatological “parties” cannot be something formal. It is a choice of the Spirit, it is the Highest Hazard, it is the Great Metaphysical Drama. For this reason nothing in the reality of the escatological epoch - and many traditional and religious authorities affirm that we now live just in such epoch - can serve as absolute negativeness or absolute positiveness. And it is especially silly to absolutize any political form, equating it to “Absolute Evil” or to “Absolute Good”. Even the beginning of the true choice stands far beyond the border of exterior political ideologies, beyond the border of the relative dividing between democrats, fascists and communists. The true choice begins at a level of geopolitics and ascends further on “along a prophetical helix” (according to the expression of Jean Parvulesco) to the abysses of Mysticism, Metaphysics, Gnosis, to the abysses of the Incomprehensible Divine Secret. Eurasian Order and Atlantic Order are the last secret of exterior, human, public history. As a matter of fact, inside these Orders there are many other mysterious and closed spheres linked with Pure Metaphysics. But anyway, the true, rigorous and conscientious escatological fight begins just with Order of Eurasia or Order of Atlantic. Even not diving deep into the ultimate secrets, simply to work in an Order is already enough to be an active, called and elected participant of the Great Drama. 
              The German word “Endkampf” (“Final Battle”, “Battle of the End”) well expresses the essence of the modern planetary situation. Escatological motives, the motives of the End of Times, penetrate not only religious and mystical movements, but also immediate politics, economy, daily life. In Israel, since 1962 devout jews live in a special “final Time”, in the “time of the Messiah”. The US aspire to establish on the planet a special New World Order. European mondialist Jean Attali preaches for the coming of the last phase of a special Trade Regime. Islamic peoples (especially shi'ites) expect in the near future the incoming Mahdi, the hidden Imam. Hinduists are assured of the rapid termination of Kali-Yuga, the Dark Century. There is a revival of racist escatologism on behalf of world national-socialist movements. In the Christian communities prophesies ever more circulate about the Last Pope (Flos Florum) for the roman catholics and about the  Last Patriarch for the orthodoxes. Lamaists are sure that the present Dalai Lama will be the last. China has hardened in mystical expectation. Soviet communism fell suddenly and unexpectedly. All these signs tell us about the beginning of the Endkampf, about the beginning of the  Last Battle. And in the eschatological context even the words of the bolshevik songs «It is our last and decisive fight» sound as a disturbing revelation, as a hint to the planetary Endkampf. 
    Order and “ours” 
              The term “ours” [nashi] was not often used in a global geopolitical context. Issued German geopolitics and the jurist Karl Schmitt insisted on the necessity of introducing the concept “ours” for explaining the geopolitical self-determination of a nation, state or ethnic block. The famous tele-reporter Aleksandr Nevzorov realised it in practice in a series of broadcastings. “Ours” has become today in the russian Empire an univocally eurasist concept, including not only russians or slavs, but also tartars, turks, ugro-finns etc., realizing a genetic connection to imperial space and imperial idea. In practice Nevzorov's “ours” is a synthetic definition of native born eurasians, imperial autochtones, masters, by right of culture and birth, of the great land. It is indicative that the atlantists in Russia do not use this word (it is logical, for here they are among “not ours” [ne-nashi], another's; for them, their own “ours” live beyond the border of the continent, on a distant and dismal “Island”). But for Jean Parvulesco, who too made of this term a fundamental geopolitical and conspirological concept, the concept “ours” is even more all-inclusive (though he willingly ranks himself also to Nevzorov's “ours”). Jean Parvulesco identifies the concept “ours” with the whole network of partizans of the Great Continental Block - from Japan to Belgium, from China to France, from India to Spain, from Iran to Germany, from Russia to Italy. “Ours” for Parvulesco is a synonym of the Eurasist Order itself with all branches and groups, finding themselves, consciously or not, obviously or secretly, in the zone of its geopolitical, mystical and metaphysical influence. “Ours” is the united invisible escatological front of the Continent, Front of the Land, Front of the Absolute East, whose western province is Europe, “our” Europe, Europe opposed to “West”, the Europe of Tradition, Soil, Spirit. “Ours” is both roman catholics and orthodoxes and islamists, both hinduists and taoists and lamaists, both pagans and agnostics and mystics... But only those among them who are devoted to the Continent of East, to its mysterious and unknown Destiny. Parvulesco speaks about a “parallel France”, “parallel Romania”, “parallel Germany”, “parallel Russia”, “parallel China” etc. as about a spiritual substance, as about the invisible spiritual measure of real countries secretly united into the only “parallel Eurasia”, “Eurasia of Pure Spirit”. “Ours” are the soldiers of “parallel Eurasia”, heroes of Absolute East, all of them serving through the occult logics of the “prophetical helix ” the One and Only Idea, Purpose, Hidden Principle. Once the german conservative-revolutionary, nationalist, russophile and eurasist Arthur Mueller van den Brusk said, rephrasing Khomyakov (“the Church is One”): “There is only one Reich (one Empire), as well as there is only one Church”. It is the Reich of “ours”, the Church of “ours”, it is  “our” Empire and “our” Church. 
     Hour of Eurasia 
              While we find ourselves in Eurasia, while we speak in its name, while we remain linked with its mysterious, mystical flesh - Eurasia belongs to us, is “ours”. Despite of all persecutions on the part of the atlantists, despite of all the effectiveness of their blasting strategy, despite the heavy and deep “sleep” of whole areas and whole peoples there living, despite the domination of the agents of the Atlantic Order on continental politics, on continental culture, on continental industry - the “decolonization” process is relentless. Only, we should refrain from falling into archaism, defending any obsolete cultural, social or political forms; we should not be simple conservatives, conservatives for inertness. The order of Eurasia is a total Conservative Revolution, this Great Arousing of geopolitical consciousness, it is the path of the Vertical, instead of the snake-like oscillations from left to right or attempts to move backwards. The order of Eurasia is the cruel and open duel with the strong and clever Opponent, with the Order of Seth, Red Ass, Order of the “Dancing Death”. We should throw the servants of the Ocean into the Ocean, we should ship the agents of the “Island” back to their “Island”. We should pull out from the political, cultural, national flesh of Continent those who betraid “ours”, who betraid our ideals, our concerns. Yes, our enemies have their truth. Yes, we should respect their deep metaphysical choice, we should fix our eyes into their Secret, into the secret “Pit of the West ”. But this should not influence our resoluteness, our rage, our cold and passionate Cruelty. We shall be indulgent only then, when our Continent will be free, when the last atlantist will be dropped into Salt Waters, in the elements symbolically belonging to the Egyptian god with the Crocodile face. Judging by definite signs, “the Time is near”. Endkampf, Last Battle should burst very soon. Are you ready, gentlemen of the “Polar Order”? Are you ready, soldiers of Eurasia? Are you ready, wise strategists of GRU? Are you ready, great peoples having made your bet by the fact itself of your birth? 

              Already tolls the decisive Hour of Eurasia...

              The GREAT WAR OF CONTINENTS already approaches its last point. 

                                                                     Moscow, February 1991 - January 1992 


    * It is necessary to warn that the Author's views about Berya have substantially changed since this paper was written, along with new elements of historical interpretation brought to light by (mostly) russian historians.
    So  in the review Elementy (n.9) appeared an article by A.Potapov (Eurasia and secret services) presenting a completely different view of Berya and his role.
    Dugin himself wrote in «The Jews and Eurasia»  - here in english translation :
    «When the antisemitist tendency in the Soviet government grew beyond definite   borders — especially scandalous was the destruction of the jewish anti-fascist committee composed practically  by 100 percent from convinced eurasists and direct agents of Lavrenti Berya (which speaks only to their benefit)..» etc.
    A recent outstanding paper revisiting the figure of Lavrenti Berya has been published by A. Parshev.
    (translator's note).


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