Цели «Евразийского Движения»:
- спасти Россию-Евразию как полноценный геополитический субъект
- предотвратить исчезновение России-Евразии с исторической сцены под давлением внутренних и внешних угроз --
Администрация Международного "Евразийского Движения" Россия, 125375, Москва, Тверская улица, дом 7, подъезд 4, офис 605, (м. Охотный ряд) Телефон:
+7(495) 926-68-11
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International Eurasian Movement is Non Governmental Organization (NGO) having the branches in 22 countries including all countries of CIS, in EU (Germany, French, Italy, Great Britain), in America (USA, Chile), in Islamic countries (Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, Turkey, Iran, Pakistan), in the Far East (India, Japan, Vietnam) and so on. In Russian Federation there are 36 regional representatives of “Eurasian Movement”.
“Eurasian Movement” is officially created by constitutional Congress in Moscow 20 November 2003 and registered by Russian Ministry of Juridical Affairs as “International Social Movement” actuating on the world scale, in every country where the activity of International NGO is accepted.
The main goals of International Eurasian Movement are
the the common struggle for multipolar world, based on the cooperation of different people, civilizations and cultures for the peace and mutual prosperity
the close partnership between the European and Asiatic countries with the special role reserved for Russia as main mediator of this process;
the integration of post-Soviet space up to the point of creation of united “Eurasian Alliance” in the cultural, economical, informational, strategic and political levels;
the active and multilateral dialog of the traditional confessions and ethnos of Eurasia, mutual understanding and esteem of Eurasian elites and societies
the conservation cultural, religious, ethnic identities of every people, development of national uniqueness and originality;
the strengthening of peace and order basing on the Eurasian principles – Pax Eurasiatica;
the opposition to the negative tendencies – unipolar and unidimensional globalization, cultural degradation, terrorism, narcotrafic, absence of social justice, ecological and demographic catastrophes.
The activity of Eurasian Movement is defined by the solutions of “Higher Council”.
The executive organ of Eurasian Movement is “Eurasian Committee” with the headquarter in Moscow.
The President of “Eurasian Committee” and leader of “Eurasian Movement” is Alexandre Dugin, the philosophe, founder of neo-eurasisme, the creator of modern Russian school of geopolitics.
The members of the “Higher Council” are
Troshev A.P. – vice speaker of Russian Senate;
Aslahanov A.A-M. – the adviser of President of Russian Federation;
Margelov M.V. – the president of Committee for International Affairs of Russian Senate;
Kalyuzhny V.I. – vice-minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia;
Tadjuddin T.S. – great mufti of Russian Federation;
Mitropolit .Andrian (Chetvergov) – the chief of Russian Orthodoxe Old Believers Church;
Sagalaev E.M. – the President of National Assotiation of Media;
Zagarishvili S.A. – Academician of Russian Academy of Science;
Djumagulov A.D. – ex-prime-minister of Kyrghystan Republic;
Chernychev A.S. – Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Russian Federation;
Efimov N.N. –director of “Red Star” magazine, the official organ of Russian general Stuff
and many other highly distinguished personalities from different countries.
“Eurasian Movement” has several particular departments:
Secretariat (chief Zarifullin P.V.);
Analytical Bureau (chief of Bureau Krivosheev S.A.);
Educational Bureau (educational system "New University");
press-service (chief Korovin V.M.);
Eurasian Economical Club;
Eurasian Forum (expert net).
The headquarter of International Eurasian Movement is located in
Russian Federation, Moscow, 115432, 2 Kozhuhovskoy proezd, d.12, str.2