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Международное Евразийское Движение - INTERVIEW WITH JUAN-ANTONIO LLOPART | Spain eurasianist | 12.11.2008
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    INTERVIEW WITH JUAN-ANTONIO LLOPART | Spain eurasianist | 12.11.2008 Напечатать текущую страницу


    aequitasetlibertas on 21 Mar 2008

    Juan-Antonio Llopart Senent is 33 years old, married and the father of a child. He works in a record distribution company. Since his adolescence, his life has been closely related to Spanish Revolutionary Nationalism. A member of the Unified Secretariat of the European Liberation Front, he directs the Spanish Republican Social League (in the past, European Alternative) and Tribune magazine. He is the author of the book, “Ledesma Ramos, A National Bolshevik?” and is currently preparing a work on the “fascist left” in Spain.


    QUESTION: Juan-Antonio Llopart, tell us about your militant past.

    LLOPART: I joined the Youth Front at 16. After its dissolution, I was an activist in Barcelona for the Falangist Movement of Spain until 1986. Estimating that it was sterile to continue to fight under the label ‘falangist’, I then founded the Solidaristic Autonomous Movement which amalgamated with various other small groups to give rise to the Solidaristic Third Way. We published a Spanish version of European Revolution and were more or less the Hispanic branch of the French Third Way Movement. This movement entered a period of crisis in 1990. I then joined, with some other members, the group Avant Garde. At the same time I was the person in charge of the National Front Youth in Barcelona. This didn’t last very long because of the impossibility of working as a NR within a Spanish nationalist right party. I then contributed to the creation of the European Alternative.

    QUESTION: Why was this group created?

    LLOPART: I was with former members of the Solidaristic Third Way who had joined the Avant Garde. This group evolved from revolutionary nationalism to the nationalist right, successively becoming the Institute of Social Studies then National Democracy.

    This evolution we did not accept. We wanted to work with an alternative that was national revolutionary, socialist and European. The size of the movement was not important to us and it still isn’t. What was important to us was the quality of our militants and their fidelity to our ideas.

    QUESTION: What are the ideological bases of the Republican Social League (LSR)?

    LLOPART: We refer mainly to the revolutionary national-syndicalism of Ramiro Ledesma Ramos, founder of the JONS. We are also indebted to German revolutionary nationalists like Paetel or Jьnger, and with the doctrinal contributions of Jean Thiriart. It is also significant to announce the influence on the LSR of Iberian-American Third Way movements like the Justicialismo of Peron or the Aprisme of Haya de la Torre.

    QUESTION: You were defined as National Bolsheviks. Why?

    LLOPART: The labels have little importance, what counts are facts. European Alternative was always a NR organization.

    To be defined as a National Bolshevik is a manner of asserting the social struggle. It is a way of making known as significant characters Bombacci, Niekisch, Strasser, Paetel, etc. It’s a key to prevent Rambos, crazies, and idiots who want to join us.

    To be defined as a National Bolshevik is to be NR in a radical and determined way.

    QUESTION: You are very critical with respect to the Spanish nationalist right. Why is that?

    LLOPART: The nationalist right, it’s just the right. Consequently, they do not have any relationship with us. A NR cannot act in a party that hijacks the word Spain but forgets the Spaniards… A NR cannot accept a liberal economic policy. A NR cannot be close to that which does not understand the diversity of the people.

    A NR must work in a militant NR community, in a NR organization, with a NR program. Those who do not understand that are neither nationalists nor revolutionaries…

    Today in Spain, there are two organizations that one can define as the nationalist right: Alliance for National Unity and National Democracy. These two structures do not have anything in common with NRs and even if there is a minority of NRs in their ranks, they by no means act as such. In that, our situation can be different from that in France and Belgium.

    QUESTION: What is your relationship with the falangist groups and what do you think of the restoration of the FEJONS (note: the Spanish phalange of the JONS) enterprise by Gustavo Morals and Miguel Hedilla?

    LLOPART: We do not have any official relation with any falangist group. That known, we do have good relationships with certain falangists and certain members of the Republican Social League were members of falangists groups in the past.

    With regard to the restoration of the FEJONS, I believe that this restoration was done only at the top and did not touch the base. It should not be forgotten that historically the Falange was its worst enemy. The Republican Social League, however, is keeping a good eye on this restoration attempt of the Falange by former Hedillist militants. For this reason it was always affirmed to be favorable to constitute a United Front with the FEJONS. But I do not know if the Falange is laid out to start discussions with us.

    QUESTION: And Francoism? What do you think about it?

    LLOPART: No NR can be pro-Franco. Franco’s regime imprisoned ours as well as the Republicans.

    The regime that controlled Spain for 36 years was nothing but a right-wing regime blessed by the Catholic Church and the Spanish financial oligarchy. Nothing more.

    QUESTION: What is the position of the LSR with respect to religion?

    LLOPART: Spain is still very influenced by Catholicism and its morals. The LSR is a lay movement in which believers and non-believers cohabit.

    On a purely personal basis I am interested more by the European spiritual roots of our people than by the Judeo-Christian imports.

    QUESTION: What relationships do you see between the Hispanic world and Europe?

    LLOPART: The LSR is a Pan-European movement that considers Europe a Nation. Europe must bring its assistance to those movements that fight for Iberian-American unity and liberation from Yankee imperialism.

    The LSR considers Spain the natural link between Europe and Iberian-America, but we oppose the idea that Iberian-American people belong to Spain.

    -Translated from the March 1988 issue of Rйsistance!, official publication of UNITЙ RADICALE

    the site of Tercera via


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