Международное Евразийское Движение
The images | The genesis of Party "Eurasia" | Part 2 | Pre-history of neo-eurasianism | 1991-2000
    16 сентября 2002, 01:49

The history of neoeurasianism in images

Part 1. First party congress of "Eurasia". Creation of new political party

Part 2. The neo-eurasian pre-history

Part 3. The russian social-politic mouvement "Eurasia". First steps as new political power

Part 4. The political conference 30.03.2002. The radical decision: let the New Party be

Part 5. Political conference "Russia 2003: Elections and religious confessions"

Part 2. The pre-history of neo-eurasionsm (1991-2000)

The speech of Alexander Dugin in front of the gathering of the national-patriotic opposion. "We have lost the greate Eurasian State but we will restore it!" 1992

The preparation of the system of eurasian connections. Alexander Dugin in Moscow with Belgian geopolitist Jean Thiriart, the author of famous book "The Euro-soviet Empire from Vladivostok to Dublin". 1992

The editor of theological review "Dear Angel". 1993. The eurasianist ideology has profound philosophical basis.

The promotion of "third way" theory abroad. On the conference in Paris. 1994.

The battle was leading on the metaphysical field. The thought is not easy thing to handle. 1996

The performance with Moscow avanguard artists. 1996. Eurasia is futuro-archaic trend, the greate synthesis.

1. First party congress of "Eurasia". Creation of new political party

2. The neo-eurasian pre-history

3. The russian social-politic mouvement "Eurasia". First steps as new political power

4. The political conference 30.03.2002. The radical decision: let the New Party be

Part 5. Political conference "Russia 2003: Elections and religious confessions"

Материал распечатан с информационно-аналитического портала "Евразия" http://med.org.ru
URL материала: http://med.org.ru/article/546