Международное Евразийское Движение
Eurasian Economic Club | Information
    21 октября 2004, 11:50

Eurasian Economic Club

Russian Federation, Moscow 115432,
2 Kozhuhovskoy proezd, d.12, str.2
tel./fax: +7(095)7836866.
e-mail: info@evrazia.org

The purposes of the activity of «Eurasian Economic Club»
The purposes of the activity of Eurasian Economic Club are:

 To develop economical partnership between business societies of Eurasian continent;
 To support the development of the commercial relations among these countries;
 To promote integration Eurasian continent in “united economic space”.

The support of Eurasian initiatives
Eurasian Economic Club considers the Eurasianism as the fruitful ideological base for strengthening the economic network in the East and the West. The help to enlarge the Eurasian initiatives and ideas in the realm of economics, culture, science, interconfessional relations is the main goal of the activity of Club.
The main directions of the Clubs activity
Eurasian Economic Club chose as main goals the following directions:

 The development of partnership in the filed of fuel-energy supply (oil, gas and so on);
 The elaboration and realization of transport projects;
 The collaboration in the field of financial sector, banking, emission of securities;
 the development of collaboration in the sphere of communications and information systems;
 the fulfillment of joint construction projects;
 the juridical consulting of transactions and the evaluation of country risks,
 the wide business-consulting taking into account geopolitical special features,
 business-projects in the trade spheres;

The priority zones of the attention of Eurasian Economic Club
The Club pays the increased attention to the countries of the CIS and to the promoting of economic interaction between them - such projects as the "Eurasian common market", "customs union" and so on.

The Club considers principally important to intensify economic partnership with the countries of the EU.

The Club attempts to activate business-partnership with the countries of Asia.

The structure of Eurasian Economic Club
The participation in the Club assumes membership, which is determined by its administration with the approval of the Eurasian Committee of International "Eurasian Movement" in accordance with the constitution of Movement.

The members are divided into three categories:

 simple membership,
 honorable membership,
 membership in the Administration of the Club.

The Club is a nonprofit organization with limited access. The adoption of new members is achieved on the petition of two members of the Club with the examination of candidature by the Administration of the Club.

Coordination activity of Club achieves the secretariat of Club headed by the coordinator of Club that is necessarily the participant of the Administration. The members of Club obtain access to the economic and analytical information accumulated in the Club, the possibility to develop interaction with the domestic and foreign partners of the Club and to use its network and database for the realization of the economic projects, which correspond to spirit and letter of Eurasianism.

The members receive the monthly interior bulletin "Eurasia: economics, security, strategy" which contains confidential analysis of the economic, geopolitical and political problems of different regions of Eurasia - Russia, Europe and Asia. The members of the Club can participate in other form of activities of International "Eurasian Movement", can freely use its network and database, social, economical and other resources for the purposes which do not contradict the basic direction of the activity of “Eurasian Movement”.

Материал распечатан с информационно-аналитического портала "Евразия" http://med.org.ru
URL материала: http://med.org.ru/article/2003