Международное Евразийское Движение
Document | Eurasian theory in maps | 03.08.04
    3 августа 2004, 20:18

Home Page | Eurasian theory in 4 maps | Eurasian Common House | Eurasian Manifest | Eurasian Path | Eurasian Vision | Millstones of eruasianism | Structure

Short explication of eurasian theory in 4 maps

From unipolar americano-centric world to multipolar (4-polar) world.
The model of unipolar world. The nucleus and layers (2-3). Russia-Eurasia conceived as "black hole"
The counter-strategy. The eurasian geopolitical activity of construction of multipolar world.
The structure of multipolar world. The eurasian vision of future.

Home Page | Eurasian theory in 4 maps | Eurasian Common House | Eurasian Manifest | Eurasian Path | Eurasian Vision | Millstones of eruasianism | Structure

Материал распечатан с информационно-аналитического портала "Евразия" http://med.org.ru
URL материала: http://med.org.ru/article/1886