Ìåæäóíàðîäíîå Åâðàçèéñêîå Äâèæåíèå
Bio of Dugin | 2004
    3 àâãóñòà 2004, 18:19


Dugin Alexandr, born 1962 in Moscow.

Ph.D. Married, two children. 9 foreign languages.

From end of 80 actively participated in patriotic movement, published number of articles and texts on different subjects: politics, politology, philosophy, history, geopolitics. Translated and published the books of conservative thinkers – R.Guenon, J.Evola,G.Meyrink and so on.

1988 he founded the “Eon” (from 1990 “Arctogaia”) publishing house.

1989 published first monographic book “The ways of Absolute”.

1990 – publishing of revue of Tradition ”Dear Angel”.

1992 – chief redactor of “Elements. Eurasian observer” – political and sociological magazine.

1992 – course of geopolitics in Mititary Academy of General Staff.

1992-1997 – published the books “Conspirology”, “Mysteries of Eurasia”, “Hyperborean theory”, “Conservative Revolution”, “Metaphysics of Evangels”, “Our way”, the manual “Foundation of geopolitics” (4 editions), “Knight Templars of proletariat”, “Russian Thing” (2 volumes), “Goals and objectives of our Revolution”, “Absolute Motherland”. Publishing of the commented works of eurasianist thinkers – N.Troubezkoy, P.Savicky, N.Alexeev, J.Bromberg, E.Hara-Davan.

1996 creation of philosophical web-portal “Arctogaia” (arcto.ru). Leaded the musical-philosophical radio-program FINIS MUNDI on FM Moscow radio “101”, worked as geopolitical analyst on the radio “Free Russia” (weekly 1 hour program).

1997-1999 chief redactor of news paper “Intrusion”.

From 1998 up to 2004 advisor of speaker of russian Parliament (Duma) on strategic and geopolitical questions.

2000 creation of pan-russian political “Eurasia” movement, leader of it.

2001 creation on the base of movement the political party “Eurasia”. Publishing of newspaper “Eurasian Observer”.

2000-2003 publication of books “The philosophy of tradionalism”, “Foundation of eurasianism” (collective monography), “Eurasian way”, “Eurasian look”, “Geopolitics of terrorism” (collective monography), “The Islamic threat or the threat to islam?” (texts of international conference in Moscow President-hotel), “Russian Orthodox Church in the space of Eurasia” (collective monograhy), “The evolution of paradigmatic foundations of science” (scientifical thesis), “Philosophy of Politics”. From 2002 columnist in national journals “Izvestia”, “Literaturnaya Gazeta”, ”Vremya Novostey”. Member of “Expert club of 1 TV channel”, member of “Civil forum” analytical club.

2002 creation of political analytic web-portal “Evrazia” (evrazia.org).

2003 the political party “Eurasia” is transformed into International Eurasian Movement.

2004 the second thesis (doctorate) is done in Rostov-on-Don. The title of Professor of Honor of National Eurasian University of Astana (Kazachstan) is received.

Publication of books “Project Eurasia”, “The Eurasian mission of Nursultan Nazarbaev”, “The philosophy of war”, “Eurasian Mission (program of International Eurasian Movement”).

The books of Dugin are published in English, Spanish, Italian (2 books), Serbian (4 books), Turkish (2 books), Arab, Georgian, Rumanian, German. Articles in many foreign languages.

French magazine “Actuel” already in 1995 called Dugin “most influential Russian thinker of post-soviet epoch”.

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URL ìàòåðèàëà: http://med.org.ru/article/1882